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Old 01-14-2012, 06:11 PM
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Kittle Kittle is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Bath, Maine. USA
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It really does feel like a new game, I agree with that statement 1000%!!! I would have paid money for this patch, and not like $5 for some of the crappy DLC you get out there, I would have put down what I paid for IL2'46 in the first place, $30 USD just for this patch.

I just flew a QB dogfight, 4 Veteran P-38Js vs 4 Average Ki-45 Hei. It was a brawl. I started with the advantage, on the 'perch' above and behind. What do the Ki's do, well they split into elements and break INTO my attack, bravo gents!!!! One single aircraft lagged behind however, seemed a little less capable then the others, this became my target. I hadn't let the flight off the leash yet so they were strung out behind me covering the rear. The other three Ki's swung around and pursued the whole flight. As I closed on the single Ki, the others closed on my #4 and started firing. I gave the order to engage and the dogfight started. I hit the Ki with my .50s and smoke began pouring from the right side engine. The pilot started doing defensive barrel rolls to give the gunner a shot, but the G's were too much and he missed.

Now, here I thought, "oh that same old AI behavior", right??? Wrong!!!! The action seemed to have purpose, control, reason. The rolls weren't in a straight ling, he kept changing his course throughout. I had givin him up for dead the closer to the water he got, and just as I broke away PLOW he levels up and goes into the vertical!!! Well, I was in no position to follow to I kept my turn. The guys fighter was too shot up to fight, and he crashed while RTB.

The next dogfight was even better, showing the AIs ability to adapt. It was in the same flight against the enemy flight lead. He actually managed to turn the tide after being bounced, made a couple head ons, and generally kept me below him and at bay. I got lucky and pegged him with a snap shot of 20mm right before we started a rolling scissors, then he in turn pegged me. Then zoom climbed to make a diving attack. That's when I had my very first, and so far only, CTD.

WoW TD, you have really done it this time. Kids, say good bye to Daddy for a little while..... lol
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