Thread: why no news?
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:41 PM
Magog Magog is offline
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Originally Posted by bman654 View Post
That is not so different from many english games being released much later in other languages. It is all about $$. Big companies like Blizzard can afford to spend the $$ on a simultaneous release in multiple languages. Small companies need the proceeds from the local release to help fund the translation and publishing costs for the foreign markets. There is nothing mysterious going on here. And that translation process takes time. Keep in mind this translation of FW was pretty good unlike other Russian -> English translated games. The language is comprehendible and included alot of spoken dialog in addition to text. I'd rather they get it right instead of rushing it.

I'm personally wondering when they will announce the tournament winners
It is very different since the market for games in english is much much bigger than for games in russian. I'm just a bit curious why they don't aim at the international market right away as I would say 99% of all other developers do.
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