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Old 12-03-2011, 08:24 AM
Insuber Insuber is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Paris - France
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Rich, thx for the video. Let's use it to discuss a bit the 109 tactics, if you agree. No critics, I'm not that kind of ace, just some flight talk, so rare on this forum .
The zoom attacks on Wellingtons from 4-8 o'clock were very good, maybe a little too much from behind (I tend to do the same error...), but they are fast bombers. The high speed flat scissors was a good move against the Hurri to get out from a difficult situation. Your other alternative, more historical if you wish, was to push the stick and drop down violently your nose, to get out of his sight and exploit their carburetor weakness, then turn some 120 degrees and extend, with wep on, in a gentle climb (a steep climb would slow you down close to his guns). This would reposition you for a counter attack, and normally the Hurris give up and run at this point. Additionally, IMO one should try and be more patient and manage better your energy. Pulling the stick too much isn't a good idea on a 109 against a British fighter, because you fall in their preferred terrain, turn fight. As an example, when the Hurri stalled and lost some 500 m imho you shouldn't have followed his tight turns, becoming a low and slow target. By the way the second Hurri was probably in Teamspeak with the first one, and directed his mate's course to make you a predictable target. Lone wolfs don't last much in this game: having a squad mate flying in loose deuce with you is the best tactics. One should try and use ATAG's Teamspeak to find occasional mates, if not belonging to a squad: I will be glad to fly with you next time we meet on ATAG .


Last edited by Insuber; 12-03-2011 at 08:28 AM.
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