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Old 11-28-2011, 05:01 PM
5./JG27 Lehmann 5./JG27 Lehmann is offline
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Posts: 96

Communicate and work with the community in the "IL-2 BzB"


My name is Alexander Timoshkov I "new" employee 1C: Maddox Games, was appointed to the position of the mission designer and expert in public relations. My goal - to maintain contact between you and the team of developers to share news and special projects on the forums. Officially, I begin to work on December 1, 2011.

"Small" historical background of a series of "who I was and how it all began"

Hidden text:
From "Il-2" I got hold of a long-awaited first met the demo in September 2001. By the middle of next year, under the influence of classical ED'a "Scout" has created its first static campaign - "The road of war." In the spring of 2003, shortly after the release of "Forgotten Battles" and began a very successful collaboration with Vadim LP 'vadson' Davydov and together we made a "4-th Guards" - a kind of retelling of the book, VF Golubeva, "In the name of Leningrad."

By the end of summer, when two new drafts been worked campaigns ("Gloomy skies of Hungary" and "Broken Wings"), received an offer from George Miroshnikov the official publication of the our work. He was released by "1C" in late 2003 under the title "The Road of war."

Then, in October, I came to the team Oleg Medox to the position of the mission designer. The following year he began to engage in additional 3-D models of ships and moderating Russian Forum "1C" (the famous "yellow", recently sunk into oblivion.) In the process of creating multiple add-ons, produced at the peak of popularity of the "IL-2," continued close work with Vadim Davydov, who made you many wonderful campaigns ("Course on Okinawa," "UPS" and "Srila Narayana Maharaja"), and also there was familiarity with Ilya Shevchenko - the current leader of the team.

In March 2008, a number of reasons I resigned from the firm. Finally, with the support of Yuri and Oleg Miroshnikova Medox, was released two add-on - "The Road of War 2" and "Alien Sky". The last three years I have worked in the financial sector.

Probably need to apologize for the fact that the publisher could not be so long to resolve internal organizational problems and seriously begin to work with the community. However, as you can see, the developers have tried as far as possible not to leave the forums without attention and respond to emerging issues. I hope that with time we will fully rectify the lack of information.

I think you'll agree that much more useful and interesting for us will be mutual cooperation, though, have already become accustomed, news updates and answers to your questions are not going anywhere. But now, everyone who really wanted to help the team in the design and development of the game will get the opportunity.

So, before you a list of projects to be launched in the near future or continued on the basis of existing topics:

1) The National Flight Manual - Data collection and processing of all aircraft operated for the purpose of writing the basic Flight Manual (start, takeoff / landing, cruising, the use of weapons). Subject to the consent of the present work, the resulting text can be included in the official Readme on the game or release a separate PDF file, as well as posted on the official forums, "1S-SC" (with a full listing of authors).

2) Reference Mission designer - creating a detailed paper on the composition and changes in military states (from platoon to division or corps) for the Red Army and Wehrmacht, covering certain periods of the war. This will help us develop future projects, as well as provide you with structured information in a convenient way to create missions and campaigns.

The People's Guide RLE and mission designer I want to realize in the form of two related to each project contained in the important topics in school and Editors, scripts, and missions. The first will contain the results of our study, and the second - working (for discussion, design templates, publishing drafts, etc.).

3) Monitoring and recording of existing and new themes with suggestions for changes and improvements in the game.

4) Searching for information - if there team problems with lack of data on some historical or technical issues (sometimes all) really hope your "help from the audience."

5) Build and maintain a theme of "FAQ" - I start to gather questions for the game and try to regularly publish collections of answers to them.

Exactly how and when they realized that these three points - not yet known, all in the process of discussion and reflection.

6) Implementation of the support service - the development of an existing theme «FAQ on the game, install and configure STEAM» and participation in support of similar topics.

As you know, I know not all solutions to existing problems and not trying to replace a formal support service «1C-SoftKlab."

7) News, the official announcements, updates and information, etc.

And one more very important note regarding our future communication: the development of a simulator "IL-2: Battle of Britain," I took part only in its infancy. Obviously, I need some time to get up to date and deal with the current situation. From this it follows that the answer to complex questions about the draft I could not at once.

So while start by looking at your ideas and suggestions for a few days I will try to run the National Flight Manual and Handbook mission designer, well, more on the rise)

If you have any suggestions, tips, requests, or personal matters to me - and please unsubscribe in the subject.
Like it Especially about these forums being more-or-less officially recognised as 'oblivion'