Thread: Am I bugged?
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Old 11-16-2011, 11:32 AM
Rune Rune is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 3
Default Am I bugged?

I'm enjoying the game and truely like the concept of the game play but I do have a few issues.

Missions with waypoints can be quite difficult to compleat. It seems that the point that is needed to be reached can be quite difficult to locate. On several occasions I have found myself having to bob and weave this way and that way in an attempt to reach the tennis ball sized location in the vast expanse of space that will trigger quest to update and allow me to go onto the next phase of the quest. This is especially frustrating when said tennis ball is within meters of the kill zone of a web of scavenger weapons platforms.


My current problem is quite different though.

I am currently on the mission to Beta Lethera 1. I have a save from before talking to Ternie's friend so I can go back to the start if necessary but my problem comes after my return to New Jerusalem 3.

Upon my arrival there is a short discussion telling me that my mother ship's regestration may have been compromised and I need to dock with a station (preferably in another system) to clear it.

This is the pont at which I may be bugged. Mo matter what I do at this pont I end up with a cut scene and the instant destruction of my fleet. I have tried going straight for the station directly in front of me, going to the left from the portal, going right, up, down diagonally etc, etc... I have tried sneaking foward diagonally between the various fleets while giving the stations a wide berth. There is no info in the mission objective box to give me a clue what needs to be done.

The attack force that kills me consists of 24-32 ships that suddenly appear well within my sensor radius.

So, am I bugged?

I have gone back and redone the Beta Lethera 1 mission from start to finish several times using both of the two paths presented but no matter, when I return to New Jerusalem it's the same story.

Any input appreciated.
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