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Old 11-09-2011, 03:05 PM
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Default A challenge to all open minded whiners

I keep seeing whiners making references to 'all' the promisees made that were never fulfilled in one thread after another..

As if to imply there is a huge laundry list of 'items' that were advertised (promised) to us but not actually included in the initial release of CoD.

As I read their posts I realized that most if not all of these whiners never actually mention any one item on the list by name.. They only make references to the list.

Me being a reasonable man I asked myself why? As in why don't they ever mention a specific item on the list that has them so upset?

Could it be a case of they themselves don't even know what is on this list, but they have seen so many whiners making so many references to the list that they just assume there is a list?

Well based on all the posts I have read thus far I think the chances are very good that there is no list, or at best a very short list portrayed as a long list.

I mean think about it, if there was this huge laundry list than it would be a simple mater for any of the whiners to post a dozen or so from the list in each of their post... Right? Yet most if not all never do.

Why is that?

Well I think it has a lot to do with the glom on, jump on the band wagon, snow ball aspect of human nature. Where it only takes a few (king whiners) to float the 'idea' (huge laundry list) and once the 'idea' is out there it is not long before other (lemming whiners) pick up the ball and run with it repeating it as fact, never stopping to ask if they could see the list, they just take the king whiners word for it that there is one.

Hence the challenge to all open minded whiners

I say open minded whiners because they are the types that once 'shown' the error in their ways they are adult enough to admit they were wrong and change their ways. That is to say I give them the benefit of the doubt that they just got caught up in the king whiners snow ball of lies, but, when faced with the facts will be able to jump off the wagon and join the rest of us on the side of reason.

So here is the challenge put out to all open minded whiners.

Take some time, pick an 'item' you belive you were promised but did not receive and see if you can find the source of the promise. Than reply to this post where I will review your source, if valid, Ill edit this point and add it to the list (see bottom of this post). I honestly belive that if make the effort you will quickly release that there are very few if any 'items' you were promised that you did not receive. At which point you will be able to look at CoD from a clearer perspective and join the rest of us on the side of reason.

Note I said I would review your source! I will only add valid 'items' to the list, and by valid I mean you can provide a 'reference', be it something printed in the users manual or side of the box or an official UBI or 1C web site. Another acceptable 'reference' would be something an official representative of UBI or 1C said in a forum. For example if you can find a quote where Oleg said the initial CoD release would have XXX. Not to be confused with Oleg saying the new game engine is capable or expandable to add XXX. That is to say over the past 5+ years of CoD development Oleg and other 1C representatives have been nice enough to post updates where they gave us 'status' on CoD development. During that time many things were 'mentioned' that could potentially be in the game when released, but just talking about what the new CoD engine is capable of does not equate to a promise that it will be included with the initial release of CoD.

Now I know the king whiners will not take up the challenge!


Because they love to whine and taking up this task would take that joy away from them

So this challenge really goes out to the open minded whiners that just got caught up in the frenzy that is whining, but are willing to step back from the edge to see the truth and adult enough to admit they made a mistake

With that said below is the list I will update each time someone reply to this thread with a valid 'item'


1) Dynamic Weather: Oleg stated in 2009-04 that the CoD maps would have dynamic weather, as far as I can tell the only dynamic part of the maps is time of day (TOD) which I think we can all agree does not count as dynamic weather. item provided by Tacoma74

Theres a reason for instrumenting a plane for test..
That being a pilots's 'perception' of what is going on can be very different from what is 'actually' going on.

Last edited by ACE-OF-ACES; 11-09-2011 at 07:42 PM.