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Old 10-28-2011, 02:55 AM
Helios Helios is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 116

A part of me wants to try a completed unmodded Archer game now and see if they can even survive these battles. But I'd probably end up angry and frustrated when I found out that they can't, which is why I modded the game in the first place! Btw, 2 Elven Bows isn't all that uncommon. I had it happen twice in the last five unedited games, and in one of those, there were 3!

Still, my Int is insane for this game 48 with the final upgrade, so I'm dealing out tremendous damage with Mass Dragon Slayer and Precision. The base for this game was 25 Int. I've never seen a base stat over 18 before.

I thought I had a similarly difficult Dragon battle on Ultrax with my Undeads. I must had somewhere over several hundred casualties even with the ridiculous Animate Dead spell mod.

Do you have any strategies for no losses when it's just a battle of that many Dragons? How do you distract the final stack to attack something else while you Ress your troops? Granted, you can Time Back a stack, and if you had Ancient and normal Vampires, you could suck blood to restore those, but it seems like with Dragons, the best way to avoid losses is to end the battle as quickly as possible. (Mine were 2 and 3 turns.)

The distance was the only thing that gave me a chance to win those battles with no losses, as just with Karador, being able to hit over a distance was invaluable.

Dragons close range so quickly that trying to distract them away with an Ice Ball or Totem hasn't ever worked for me--if I place one in the first turn, it gets ganged up on and killed too quickly, and later, the Dragons are in my face and would rather gobble one of my units instead.

Yes, that was over 250 Demonesses. Luckily, they can't evade Skeleton Archer attacks, and I got lucky with a few other shots connecting. One stack made it to my troops, but I was able to replenish the losses pretty easily with the spell and Xeona wasting her mana on Sheep.

I understand getting bored with your game. I was bored for awhile with how ridiculously easy some of the battles were until I got to Death Valley. You use Zerock often? I almost never use him unless I desperately need a wall to redirect the battlefield. It seems like I'm constantly using the Reaper and Lina with my Rage.
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