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Old 10-24-2011, 09:18 PM
VBF-12_Gosling VBF-12_Gosling is offline
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Posts: 18

Originally Posted by IvanK View Post
I think you will find the Brits to use QFE as a general rule.
We certainly do and still do.

I set QFE. I have also been flying on the ATAG server and was very pleased when it went dark!!! I came back in a couple of hours later and it was truely dark (nice to see all the correct constellations as well, in about the right place and not just a ramdom star field). I needed QFE to give me an even chance of getting on deck back at Ramsgate. I did and landed on a very dark runway.

How do you know the Airfield Altitudes?
I have been working from a modern chart. For those airfield no longer in use I have been flying from them to either a field I do have the height for or ditching to get sea level. I also think the Sea level pressure varies across the whole map as there are inconsitancies with this method. Also I think the pressure changes with time. I'd be very keen to know what is happening.

Here's a thought:
There is a mechanism for the Fighter Controller to report enemy aircraft. So the game is detecting aircraft and responding with information. What if the game detected the presence of freindly aircraft within 2miles and 3000ft of an airfield and reported local wind and pressure be it QNH or QFE.

I have been compliling an enroute Supplement (only started a couple of days ago so it is not complete) here: Enroute Supplement - Channel

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