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Old 09-28-2011, 08:22 PM
SNAFU SNAFU is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 324

I hear you klem. I started with the same idea more or less. But I also wanted to rebuild history as far as possible.

But then I hit the reality and the limitation of performance. If you want to have it all on one map at the same time, the loading time raises immense. I for example put on every historically used airfield of a single given day of July AA emplacements, AA and tents and added a tower. Loading time was ok, as long as there is no plane on the map. But as soon as you have objects and planes, it took 20 minutes to connect to the server. I started with 16.000 objects I ended up with 1.200 objcts and now I have connecting times below 20 sec if there are less than 16 planes in the air, and 4 minutes as soon as I have 36 planes in the air, which is ridicoulus for rebuilding something which should simulate the battles of August, well, for July it is somewhat ok.

We now have 11 objective orientated missions (rebuild from the daily reports of the days around the mid of July) in the loop and the player has the option to start a mission via the menu, when ever he likes, with the restriction of 1 mission per hour. The instrucitons are quite clear and simple and there is only one objective per mission, so all players focus on that one, if the want . The teams get points for success and points for air kills and ground kills, these points can trigger other events or can be used as win conditions (thats what we are working on at the moment). I found that is the best compromise, between rebuilding history and playability. The main restriction we have is the performance and the connecting time, that`s a pitty, because the scripting opens so many options and ideas.
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