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Old 09-11-2011, 06:23 AM
Helios Helios is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 116

I think a no-loss Mage on Impossible would make me cry, (as will 5 melees--I'll likely ditch that game and the archers, but I'd like to give the rest a shot). As I mentioned previously, I don't feel like I have that good of a strategy to playing the Mage period. I think I ended up with like 14,000 losses my last time with him, but I was sacrificing thousands of miners to make my initial Sprites into a huge unit and not bothering with Resurrection back then, saving my mana for nuking the enemy. I thought nuking would be fun, but it was brainless and boring when I went all out for it. I think I'd rather have a dual-casting Distortion Mage now with some equips to make his troops not fall apart. Fighting one of Haas' incarnations that had Demons and something like 20+ defense was a horror story for me. I could barely scratch them!

And I've been thinking about the archer game--I had decent success with an all ranged army with a Mage and redirecting traffic with stone walls and 2x Demon Portal spells, but that wouldn't work later on, would it? Bats can fly over the portals, can't they? I know I've seen ghosts go by them. And of course nothing would stop the dragons from getting to them, but 2x Traps would at least make things a bit easier. If they just had one decent unit they could Phantom and throw into the fray to distract some of the melees coming their way they might have a chance. Maybe I should develop an MVP approach to the archers and the all-melee army where I instead choose four of each of those, and one of the awesome regular units to supplement them and in effect be the most valuable player of the team. Four archers with one demon stack might be able enough to keep the heat off of them to plink away. Or not. Phantoming every turn probably wouldn't be mana-viable without green dragons restoring the mana. How many ways can you poop-shoot that idea? :p
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