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Old 08-31-2011, 03:39 PM
gflinch gflinch is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 45

After reading all of this, hearing Jason's comment, thinking about it a few days, re-reading all the comments here, this is what I gather from the situation.

They gave Oleg 6 1/2 years to get something together and spent millions. Don't know why they gave him so much dev. time, I wouldn't have given them so much time and I like the people and the project.

Either Oleg was just soooooo picky and it never lived up to his "dream" or after 6 years of his life and diffrent things that he personally went through he just got tired/uninspired to work on the project any longer.

So whatever the situation the project was dumped in Luthier's lap and given 6 months to complete a sim that was never near completion (I think they probably did a number of RE-Writes to various portions and just never progressed out or "early alpha".

So all in all, I think Luthier is doing a good job. Maybe someone could give us a update a little more often, but then again there might not be much to offer over a weeks time. Other than still working on it.

Well thats just trying to look at it from many perspectives.

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