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Old 08-31-2011, 09:43 AM
41Sqn_Banks 41Sqn_Banks is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 644

A lot of good news recently and here is another one: Development of the next release is almost finished. There are a few minor features left but they should be ready until the weekend. Then I will spend the weekend with testing and finishing the new Kanalkampf campaign to make full use of the new features.

A small overview of the features:
- Moving ships (using predefined waterways)
- Moving vehicles and armors (using calculated roads)
- Static ground units (Artillery, Radar, ...)
- Mission types for bombers: Attack ground units, armed recon, recon
- Mission types for fighters: Cover ground units, intercept, escort
- Loadout and altitude for the missions depend in aircraft and mission type
- Rudimental briefing before the flight
- Start a career and gain experience, get promoted to a higher rank and get a higher position within your flight (don't expect to much for now, this will be really really simplified in this release)

If all goes well a beta release will be available next week.
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