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Old 08-29-2011, 06:56 AM
Bobb4 Bobb4 is offline
Approved Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 553

Welcome to the 69 Gvardeiskii Istrebiteinii Aviatsionnii Polk of the Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily
First is to explain a little about who the 69th are, and what they do:
The 69th Gv.IAP squad started up around August of 2003 and was founded by a number of players led by Skulls_Yanev (now with the callsign ROSHKO) who were a part of the European section of the Skull's Squad.
Over the last seven years we have established a capability that is almost unique in the online flying world, which is to carry out full combined operations. This involves strategic bombing, tactical ground attack, fighter escort and interceptor missions both from land bases and carrier borne ops. An online war mission will include several or all of these elements. We regularily field 20 plus human pilots in competition against other squadrons.So if you are looking for flying with a purpose rather than mindless online furballs…
If you are wondering what it feels like to fly with and against human opponents then look no further:

Visit our website Our Home

Really, what we are looking for are pilots who are willing to work together not for personal glory, but for the success of the squad, and the success of the mission.

We fly in European, Transatlantic and Amerika timezones with online war missions on both Sundays and Wednesdays. Training missions are run once a week and most days you will find pilots doing something or just out looking for trouble.

Unlike many squadrons we do not have a minimum age but we do expect under 18s to have parental approval. We have pilots aged between 13 and 65+ (and sometimes it’s hard to tell who is the “youngest”). What counts is not how good you are but what effort you are putting in and how much fun you are getting out of it.
We offer one on one basic flight training with real life pilots, specialist off and on-line weapons delivery training plus structured military formation and combat training with a real life airforce instructor. How far you want to go depends on what you put in, but don’t worry what counts most is having fun so if you just want to blow stuff up you will find some like minded souls…

The squad has a dedicated technical infrastructure with a powerful server in a commercial datacentre with high speed internet access. This manages large co-op and dogfight missions plus voice communications for the squadron.

We are currently actively building two new online campaigns, one for RoF and the other for Cliffs of Dover.
This is in conjunction with our regular involvement in several SEOW campaigns.
Visit our homepage and you will realise, this is the squadron home you have been looking for.
From newbies to veterans we all are equal.

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