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Old 08-22-2011, 07:53 PM
Sing_In_Silence Sing_In_Silence is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by Trucidation
Okay ladies and gents, it's done - refer to the first post for the download. Let me know what you think, lol.
A bit late to the party but here goes:

This mod is awesome.
It's worth the download (imo) just for the missile descriptions, but the mod itself is a wonder.

I admit, I miss the t-4 Eraser torpedoes, as with Deadly Missiles 2 they're enough to take out most patrols for 800 cr a instead of 4k a pop.

That said, by the time you get Grayhair, you can manage just fine with just any of the basic missiles.

I mean, with Deadly Missiles a Missile Gunner was dangerous in the vanilla game.
I'd consider saying that missiles are overpowered now, actually.

I mean, for one thing, I felt secure sending my guy, solo, against equally-geared opponent wings.
And he won, reliably, in the 30 second DM duration.

For another, I don't dare trying to stick around... whichever Station (where you get the Heavy Transport) to loot the MSF/NESF fight, since the scripted anti-scavenging MSF leader carries Hourai Volcanos.

For another, after getting the Mastiff, I need to be very careful getting to the portal to Hepheastus, as the MSF patrols also carry them, and can ruin your day very fast.

My only issue with the mod is that my toaster of a computer lags with even a single of the modified MIRVs :<

And you might want to reduce the missile prices a bit.
Without too much grinding, I have some 50k worth of (looted only) Gen1 missiles, triple that of AM Cetus Omicrons, and I only just finished Dickens' mission (for InoCo).

It's not perfect, but it easily warrants a two thumbs up anyway.
Good job!

Last edited by Sing_In_Silence; 08-23-2011 at 04:53 PM.
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