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Old 08-05-2011, 03:35 PM
Sternjaeger II Sternjaeger II is offline
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Originally Posted by Dutch_851 View Post
What Charvel just said plus;

Out of the millions of species on this planet, homo sapiens is unable to communicate in an intelligible way with any but their own species. Some might even debate that point.
erm, we can have forms of basic communication with other animals actually.

Yet we seem to think we can communicate with so called 'alien life forms'. SETI? Ridiculous waste of time, money and brainpower. What are the chances of anything out there being at exactly the right point in its technological development to receive and/or respond to any electromagnetic signal? Out of the billions of years since the formation of the universe, the Human race has had radio technology for what, 110 years? Just seems a bit naive to me. Come to that, what if all alien life is vegetable or viral? Or pink elephants?
lol that's a bit generic man! Considering that the faster way of transmitting data that we have at the moment in space is light and radio waves, I reckon it's worth a try. Our first radio waves are roughly 80 light years away from our planet as we speak, not much, but it's a start.

If life comes about so easily, then why is our entire solar system devoid of life but for here? They also spend untold amounts of cash going back to Mars again and again in the search for evidence of the potential for life in the past, present or future. It isn't there.
Then the theorists turn to a warm ocean under the ice of Europa as being the next inline for a visit. Then to Titan as being a future life bearing moon with its alternative life-friendly chemistry.
it's all fascinating speculation, they're not gonna go nowhere anytime soon. If by 2030 they really make it to mars I'd be well impressed, not for the achievement per se, but because I expect modern society to fail way before that date.
It all boils down to people being unable to accept that this is it. This is all there is. Life's a bitch and then you die etc.

Fairies and goblins is bang on.

Having said that, my bookshelves are full of science fiction. I love it, but that's what it is, fiction.
it's obvious that our society is not ready for space exploration, simply because we can't live in peace on this planet as it is. But it's within human nature to ask questions: 1000 years ago they couldn't explain what a lightning is, so it was "god", now we have different horizons. You can't just sit back and relax, I find the research they do very fascinating, and worth spending more money than wars for sure.

Blimey, I think I just had a bit of a rant. Sorry chaps!
It's ok, it's friday, time to hit the pub me thinks!
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