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Old 08-03-2011, 07:05 PM
nearmiss nearmiss is offline
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Originally Posted by Viking View Post
How can you set rules to a “off topic” forum? I like or I like it not!
I was there when they closed the Pilots Lounge in UBI! I was there when Oleg left the Oleg’s Ready Room in anger!
They didn’t care for any rules, all that matter was the nationality and bias of the mods!
Why should it be any different today? There is no way you can keep an EU audience happy with some US mods and vice versa. Rules or no rules!
You really don't get it do you.

This forums runs 24/7 how are you going to get someone in Sweden or Russia to be on the forums when there is a 10 - 12 hour time difference from USA?

Yes we can have a refined set of rules for an off topic forums. We already have some good ideas, but thought members might want to share.

That's the sum of it, so like it or no we have a Pilot's Lounge for off topic discussion.
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