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Old 07-31-2011, 04:09 AM
infernal1800 infernal1800 is offline
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Posts: 93

Originally Posted by DeepSoul View Post
I found the problem. I used a mod that had a different location for it's files and for some reason it only saved some of the islands in the right folder. I had to move the other files manually for the changes to have any effect.
Yes, all islands have to be put in the right folder. Can you tell me which mod you are using and what aspect of the game you are planning to edit (new island, new unit, new skill/talent etc)

I'm glad that there are some people still working with those text file or even the editor. I'm now creating a big mod that has many new things (new islands, caves, dungeons; new monsters, quest etc) I want to share it with the public but the number of people still playing this game is become lesser and lesser
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