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Old 12-18-2007, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by JG52Uther View Post
I suppose I could post some tracks of me flying online in several different servers with no evidence of cheating going on,but what would that prove?
thats not what you were asked. see, we are back to the old oxford dictionary problem again were you are not paying attention to the actual meaning of the phrase.

what you were asked is "to post proof here that you have evidence and guarantees that no cheating whatsoever is occurring online since the soundfile hack was released and the il2 files were cracked"

Originally Posted by JG52Uther View Post
As I have stated on more than one occasion,I have not witnessed any instance of cheating online using the soundmod....I can post my tracks of not seeing any cheating.
not valid, you're raising anecdotal evidence from one biased user and trying to generalize from it that there is no cheating. you'll need to do better.

but i'll let you in on a secret, before we all waste to much time on this. it is nearly impossible to prove a negative in a logical argument, so i know already in advance it is not something you are going to be able to prove. in the same way that unless some reborn hack kiddie posts evidence of his dirty laundry here, then you are not going to get conformation how frequent and easy cheating has become on full real servers.

Originally Posted by JG52Uther View Post
As for the rest of it,what can I say? I am not totally blind,just partially sighted,so in response to your question 'are you blind?' then no,not quite.Maybe I am missing all the cheating due to my eyesight.
i am sorry, i didnt realize that. i wouldnt have made light of it if i had know you had problems with vision. my reference was to "being blinded to logic and reasoning", because a small number of people here, and i identified you as being one, are over and over pretending not to understand what issues here are at stake, and the arguments keep going around in circles, and meanwhile Rome is burning.

Last edited by zapatista; 12-18-2007 at 01:05 PM.