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Old 07-24-2011, 06:15 PM
coddam coddam is offline
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Posts: 6

search any dead SMG gunners and take their AT grenades - then sneek up on the tanks from their 'blind side' and whallop them with the AT grenades.

Try to hit one of the tanks in the turret only, then when the crew abandon it, find a repair box, repair the tank and use it to take out the other tanks


And the AT gun does switch position of which crates it is in - not sure if it is for each difficulty setting or just random location each time you re-start the chapter?

I have played this mission twice - once on easy and once on normal - and it was in the more difficult crates to get to (by the mortars) for the 'easy' mission - the enemy tanks arrive before you can get to the crates so it is a mad dash to get to them before the tanks hand you your bleeding head on a plate!

For the 'normal' mission they were in the crates by the trenches and I was able to get it before the tanks started arriving - so the more difficult setting was easier??? go figure!

I suppose I need to go re-play it at easy and see if the AT gun is in the same crate again or in a different one for the fresh start???

Last edited by coddam; 07-24-2011 at 06:22 PM.
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