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Old 07-22-2011, 03:16 AM
Orpheus Orpheus is offline
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Originally Posted by naz View Post
ATI 5970 still does it for me, and I still therefore have to disable the splash screen. I am very sure of this.
Have you tested GPU output while the game is running and found your clock speed doesn't hit 3D speed? I'd be surprised if this bug was rearing it's head again, though I don't discount the possibility - but until it's tested I'm inclined not to believe it.

If you run GPU-Z prior to game start, then load CloD you will see clock speeds jump to 3D, then drop significantly when the Ubi splash is played and remain there if you still have this problem. If that doesn't happen and clock speeds jump back up (or do not decrease) after the splash is displayed then it's not the splash screen causing the problem.

Hopefully you can confirm this with a GPU-Z or similar output screenshot - it's no good saying bugs are fixed when they're not, and vice-versa - so if you can prove you still have it, we can advise the use of the fix where it is appropriate, and if you don't, we can stop blaming the ubi splash for the low performance problems (which are nearly all unrelated).
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