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Old 07-10-2011, 02:39 PM
Sir Whiskers Sir Whiskers is offline
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Originally Posted by spangler View Post
What dragon skills do you use mostly? I just got the lightning one, it's amazing. whats his rest period though, does it increase with more charges. I chose stone wall this time through first, but only 1 option of upgrade and keeps getting 1 hitted. >.> Crushing blow seems good for distancing 1 stack, got the dagon arty that puts it to 3 now.
I haven't played impossible, so some of my suggestions may not fit, but here goes.

Ball Lightning has one upgrade that increase the rest time, and no upgrades that decrease it back to one. It's a tough choice whether or not to take the upgrade, as a maxed out ball lightning is truly wonderful in the later game, when taking on big stacks. But that extra rest means casting a lot of Awaken Dragon spells. For a mage, that's generally okay (I often use Awaken Dragon the first few rounds so I can use the dragon twice), but other characters will be impacted far more, as they won't have the Higher Magic skill.

Crushing Blow never impressed me with it's raw damage, but having played Crossworlds where I can see the amount of XP earned, once you upgrade it to max, it earns your dragon a ton of XP compared to the other abilities. It's also useful for finishing off or weakening stacks that ball lightning ignores.

I've never been a big fan of the wall. At low levels, it's so weak it usually only lasts a short time, often only one blow. At higher levels, I usually prefer to use ball lightning or crushing blow. Fiery Phantoms can also be useful in a battle where all the enemy troops are packed together. YMMV
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