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Old 06-30-2011, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Hicks-81 View Post
I donĀ“t consider the I-16 bad, just obsolet. It is a plane of 1935. Is logical to be less than the Spitfre and Messerschmitt.

You only advantage is a close turn rate, but a good pilot never fight it in that style. With speed you can leave behind when you are in bad position
As a first generation cantilever monoplane, the designers were really experimenting so it was bound to have some tricky handling characteristics. Lessons learned that went into making the Yaks and La's great. And the I-16 did ok against the early bf109b-1 in the spanish civil war.

Redtiger02, have you tried flying the I-16 on sim with full elevator sensitivity?
How is that for difficult to control?

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