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Old 06-21-2011, 03:04 PM
KnightFandragon KnightFandragon is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: KRL HQ, Ontario Canada
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To give soldiers custom names lets start by going into Breeds/single/rus. Next, copy paste say, rifle.set. Now, rename it to anything you want, I renamed my soldier's .set file majorcole. Now open your newly created and renamed .set file with wordpad or something of the sort.

In there you should see a layout similar to:

{behaviour soldier}
{skin "usa_soldier_new2"}
{portrait "can_mgun"}
{icon "mg2"}
{icon_priority 0}
{nationality can}
{body new_armor_can}
{head us_ach}

Now to make it so your able to give it your own custom name you have to simply add {hero} here:

{behaviour soldier}
{skin "jeydon"}
{portrait "Cole"}
{icon "cole"}
{icon_priority 2}
{nationality can}
{body new_armor_c}
{head us_ach}

Now, after adding {hero}, save and close the file. Now find your way over to Localization/desc.lng and open it. Next, find your way down the list till you see


keep scrolling down until you see


Next, find the line in that {rus list that reads

{"rifle" "Rifleman"}

and copy paste it into that same list.

Next you will have to rename your newly copy pasted line by changing:


To whatever you had renamed your .set file in the breeds folder.

I changed it to majorcole in the breeds folder so for me it was


The "Rifleman"} is the spot where you put whatever name you want and that will be the soldiers name in game. I used Cole Sprouse, so the line for me after read:

{"majorcole" "Cole Sprouse"}

One thing to know is use only lower case letters when you rename your .set file and make sure it is the same in the first part of the .desc, so "rifle", ensure is lower case or else the name doesnt register correctly in game, you get desc/single/rus.....instead of the name you chose. I found that out after all the american soldiers I modded were all messed up in that way.
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