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Old 06-21-2011, 09:40 AM
Cpt_Farrel Cpt_Farrel is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 95
Default With the modding abilites that has surfaced - can skin panellines be edited?

I've been skinning the Bf109E-3 a lot and the fact that the panellines could hardly be seen on that aircraft turned out to be a positive thing for me as it's easier to fill in the panellines than to tone them down.

Starting to look at other aircraft now there's lots of stuff on the skins, even with weathering at 0% that doesn't look good and are very hard to fix. The rivets on the Spits and Hurricanes for example are quite bad and above all overdone. Could that be fixed with some nice mod?

I really want to try that but I'm not sure where to begin, any hints or ideas from the guys working with ground textures perhaps?
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