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Old 06-20-2011, 09:34 AM
FOZ_1983 FOZ_1983 is offline
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Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Think you on the right lines with what you started to do. Most of the ideas we have come from free flying around the maps. For example the England map has Canterbury on it which isn't even used in the single player game nor do any of the online games get close to it during gameplay. The Berlin and Stalingrad maps are equally vast so it's a case of flying round spotting things and developing the game ideas from there. As a starter for you we've done Reichstag raids (Berlin), Red October factory raids (Stalingrad) and the recent Pottsdam raids (Berlin). Each has been done within the correct historical period and as such players have picked aircraft accordingly. The last pottsdam one we deliberately made post war so any side could fly anything but that was a one off..and pretty good fun actually!
If anything get a group together and go free fly and see what comes from it... If nothing else it's just nice to take it the work of the devs which during normal online combat you never really get to see.
Happy to help with any ideas and suggestions if you want them.
Cheers Gilly, helps appreciated! I've seen how much fun you guys have with your games, so trying to "borrow" a PS3 for a week or two so that i can perhaps see how you guys do it on sim. You do seem to have more in depth games.

Anyway... we tried flying from Manston-Calais-SW england-Calais-Manston

The "SW england" being the chosen target to bomb. We found though that once formed up over the channel, we solely had to rely on compass readings and knowledge of the are to get to Calais due to not appearing on the minimap. All in all it was good fun, though long.

To improve we may try the following -

Fly HE-III's from Manston, Manston being a pretend base in France. We fly from Manston to Calais, then turn round... the target then being somewhere in the UK, once bombs have gone we turn round and head back to Calais before turning back form Manston our home base.

Theirs so much potential to be had its just finding the right balance really.

Thanks again for the help its greatly appreciated
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