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Old 06-19-2011, 08:09 PM
FOZ_1983 FOZ_1983 is offline
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Default Trying to add an RPG element to BoP, advice please

Myself and a friend have been "free flying" on BoP today and enjoyed it immensely.

We discussed adding an RPG element to the game to make it more enjoyable and more serious for us but couldnt really think of how to implement it. I figured asking here would help greatly since the collective mind here is incredible

Any ideas of how we could do it?

So far we had a quick game where we started off from Manston (on the taxi way) in Blenhiems. Problems with taxi ing while on the ground though hindered things somewhat. So we switched to the A20.

Starting on the taxi way, was pulled onto the runway one at a time, once the first had the all clear from air traffic (RPG element kicking in haha) to take off, he did so and then once airbourne held a holding pattern around the airfield while the second player took to the runway and then got airbourne, joining my lonesome one man formation.

From their we then headed to France, no particular target, we just flew together and then once over Calais turned back towards the SW of England (to make the trip more authentic and last longer) once their we found a target, dropped bombs then turned around, headed back over the ocean to france, then from their made the trip back to Manston.

All this to try and increase the game length and make it more interesting. Flying to France first just gives the effect of flying over the channel etc adding to the realism.

My question is...

Some of you guys (more specifically you PS3 players) do missions etc anyway, well how could any of you improve upon what we just did? How could we make it better. Obviously enemies would help....

Any help or criticism would be gladly taken on board.

Many thanks guys.
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