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Old 06-14-2011, 09:11 AM
Fatt_Shade Fatt_Shade is offline
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Ok let me give some contribution here
Some more of new units :
Neutral - monstera stronger royal thorn, interesting to play
Undead - evi genius alchemist in undead garb,
adept of darkness , changed necromancer, evlin spell after killing enemy
medium beholder unit in undead ranks ( havent tried him, since it`s talent translation isnt good)
Bunch of new items, and new slot in hero screen for dragon pet items like lizard boots, antena helm . . .
Also every fraction now have special bonus :
humans have % chance to act again(fighting spirit),
elves elemental bonuses earth +deff/hp, wind +speed, fire +att/+dmg (which is sick some times stack of 200 ents with stone skin 2 lvl and +35% hp!!!),
demons get their talents reset after killing enemy,
undead resurrect their number after couple of atacks( need to fill 100% of their) necroenergy
dwarves have some drunken bonus which i havent figured out so far
All in all humans are sick with 15-20% for second turn every unit (goblin have 15% unstoppable on 3 lvl adrenaline, but this is just ridiculous. With warrior hero and humans you can clear 80% enemy in first round). Fighting spirit is overpowered. Try 4*1 archmage and 5th unit some dragon to kill enenmy and you can get guardian medal on 3 lvl in 13 battles.
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