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Old 06-13-2011, 06:30 AM
ywenli ywenli is offline
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Default Update 2 - Fin

200% diff 2nd update for Peleng Pirate:

<sigh> I should have listened to my old pap and stuck to being a pirate. I mean, who has heard of a Peleng Fighter gain wealth and richest from fighting the Dominators? If you have received this transmission, then that would mean I have perished at the hands of said Dominators.

I got too cocky trying to liberate Diater by myself after joining in a coalition attack on the initial attack. My fellow Peleng military ships and 1 human lasted less than 10 combat rounds I'd wager, but I actually was able to expend all my missiles and rearm before returning for another go around.

However, these "Keller" Dominators were smarter than I thought. I have finished off all the small shrip ships with their higher (30) damage energy weapons and was going toe to toe with the rest of the mid class ships (4-5 damage). I could taste victory with just a few more cycles. Little did I know that they were merely baiting me while tagging my fuel tank. Before I knew it, I sprung a leak and was trapped in the system!

Ah! Just yonder, there is Dominator fuel container just 2 secs away. I picked it up, but little did I know they were merely baiting me all along. No wonder they weren't doing much hull damage to me at all, but were focusing on merely damaging all my equipment. Soon, my missile launchers were expended and the rest of my equipment started failing. First, my sensors, then my shields, then my triple frag cannons! I was trapped in the sector with no more guns to finish them off. My dual engines still had some juice and I boosted for Pkhedock, but those "Keller" wise asses got me again! Their fuel tank now sprung a leak and I was experiencing total system failure. I limped to the jump point hoping for rescue, but I obviously had no where left to run. My life is ended here in cursed Diater...all for trying to "play" a hero. Should've stuck to being a pirate...

Here ends my 3rd attempt. I was probably rushing to clear the system and before I knew it, I was out of missiles and started to head back, but as in my story, my fuel tank was destroyed so with a dead fuel tank, dead engines, I was stuck too far away to boost or even fly away.

In the end, I destroyed about 61 dominators, freed 1 system, had about 70k in the bank already (money wasn't much of a problem now), and ended with the Maloq Arrival Tolosum ship with the Forcer module for boost and mostly pigamar equipment for all slots.

Major annoying points was that the military base was destroyed really early on so I was stuck being a rookie. Being a pirate would've also been tough and very time consuming being in a Peleng system if I attacked mostly peleng civilians.

I never bothered doing any of the RTS or quests since I didn't want to use the time, but will try to do them to get micromodules and artifacts as well as exp.

Going to try again with a Faeyan and try to keep the military base alive.

New game maybe tough map wise since Blazer is right next to me, but we'll see if they attack immediately.


Thanks for the tips Loopy!

Yeah, I am going to try the Faeyan again. It's annoying early on since he has no money, but I guess I could do some minor stuff before triggering the equipment tutorial quests as well as get the loan like you say.

Agreed on the 2 systems. I freed 1 with my previous game and lost it immediately after I left so it's a pain to keep it alive. I should have deployed more of my probes since I had 7 just sitting around, but didn't bother due to laziness.

Agreed though, trading has always been the fastest to make money for me.

The thing I don't like about missiles is they keep destroying the equipment. I suppose packing 3 more guns though like I was doing was eating a ton of space (probably 70-75) and you're right, most of the time, you aren't using the frag cannons anyways. I did notice with my last ship, I could sit toe to toe with the mid level doms though. Died before testing it out further.

On the bases, for some reason, when I freed Altair, the business center didn't come back even though it was the last system in the sector. Is there a time delay of when they auto respawn?

The hyperspace battles are real tough for me at 200% diff. Even that 1st fight gave me some trouble early on. I think little droid or nanitoids heal you in hyper so that would make it immensely easier.
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