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Old 06-06-2011, 08:00 AM
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JG5_emil JG5_emil is offline
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Originally Posted by Liz Lemon View Post
Well, with regards to that can of worms, how many FPS you're getting is irrelevant if its above your monitors refresh rate.

So if you have an LCD monitor thats 60hz, or 60fps. Even if the game is running at 999fps, your still only seeing 60fps, because thats all your monitor can display. If you have an old CRT laying around, or a 120hz tv or monitor, you can mess around with different hz settings and see what the actual difference 120fps is over 60fps, or 60 vs 30 (hint, its very noticeable.) But 200fps wont make a difference until you have a display that can handle 200hz.
The important thing is that if it was running with 200 fps it is very unlikely to see the fps drop to 5 when there are lots of explosions or effects happening. In that situation I would say having a very high average is important even if you cannot see the difference between 60 and 200.
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