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Old 11-19-2007, 07:46 AM
Tobus Tobus is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 14

I truly like this game, but do think it is sometimes just too difficult. When spotted close by, I just can not run quickly enough to knock out the guard that spotted me. The option to knock him out is just not there, so I have to resort to my gun, which is all in all too slow. In splintercell (I like to compare with that gameseries), I could run toward the spotter and quickly knee of knife him with just a mouseclick. No pressing a number-key first to arm myself. Whether this is realistic is debatable, but the SC-way is immensely more playable. Also, I can not program any of my 5 mouse-buttons, only left- and rightclick.

Now, if knocking/knifing/chloroforming/choking could be integrated with with a single click of the left and/or right mousebutton like in the SC-series, it would make the game a lot more playable (sales go up!) and less arbitrary. Then, when you DO get spotted, you can still save yourself. Now, I feel that when spotted, I might as well reload my last save.
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