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Old 05-28-2011, 02:30 PM
SEE SEE is offline
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Hi Seeker, thanks for the feedback, you shouldn't have wave after wave of BF110's, checked the MIS File and spotted a bug in the Script Target Passtrough commnd which can continually spawn a group under certain conditions (which you happen to have experinced) will correct and upload a new MIS file on Monday as I am away untill then.

Observations like yours are really appreciated and will help me get the balance right, iron out bugs, etc for this or any future missions I make.

The first few minutes is critical and has to be a decisive strike for the first two Huricanes to spawn and what happens after. The Ground units are relying on you (the RAF) taking out those three SDK's protecting the hangers.

Your first objective therefore, is to eliminate the three SDK's. Two at the end of the runway and one moving towards the hanger end (you should spot this one as you approach (a small moving dot in the centre of the field) take it out in your approach. The SDK is pretty easy to knock out with the Spitfire and probably one will be elimated by the ground attack anyway.

The allies seem to capture the Anson Hanger without your help. You can check that they have later when the Hurris are airborne and assisting you.

Success in the first few minutes and knocking out these three SDK;s will now allow you to be selective and you can just use a circling pattern and look for any nearby SDKs that are trying to counter attack. Some will be wiped out by ground forces and if necessary you can strike at any tthat are still moving.

You can then deal with a small group of SDK's in close proximity approaching the Hangers at the end of the runway whilst keeping an eye on the allied armoured cars hot footing it to the hanger.

Only one of the allied units has to get to the hanger area intact for two Hurricanes to scramble and assist.

If any survive from the other attack (straight down the centre of the airstrip) and also reach the hanger arae, then the other two Hurris will spawn and scramble. The Hurris will help with air threats.

From here on you can either eliminate any other threats, check on the progress of the RAF convoy (it does not need your help and usually arrives OK) or gain altitude and harras/eliminate the two BF110's and two BF109's (If they spawn).

Once the Ansons Spawn you decide wether to clear the skies of enemy AC (Four Max) and all of you fly out and escort the Ansons or you may decide to leave the combat area and shadow the Ansons and hope the others do the job the catch you up.

If the Ansons survive you will have an Escort group join you on the journey home - you will need them! If they get killed or fail to spawn, you are on your own with any remaining allied aircraft that made it out.

Its a lengthy mission and takes about 30 minutes to complete

AirStrike Tactics.

As you approach and get over the runway you will be aware of enemy fire from your left, straffe your target and look for others but I turn/climb opposite to where enemy ground units may be if planning a second pass having spotted a target of opportunity.

Low level straffing needs you to have clear and confirmed sighting and plenty of time to level out and steady your approach. I avoid Rapid Turn and burn for low level straffing.

In the video I also sometimes climb high and swoop down almost vertically.

I set my convergence with four guns at 150m and 4 at around 200m but use whatever works best for you.

I prefer to have my ac trimmed slightly nose up for low level straffing attacks, once again use whats best for you.

Last edited by SEE; 05-28-2011 at 03:10 PM.
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