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Old 05-26-2011, 10:32 AM
kendo65 kendo65 is offline
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Originally Posted by Blackdog_kt View Post

As for the rest i can't be sure, but the sim is what it is for now. I'm more concerned about actual gameplay issues because the graphics are functional enough as they are now and you guys keep hogging all the attention with graphics related requests

Does anyone actually fly these planes or are we all just looking at them for the most part?
I think 'functional' is a good word for the current state of play in a lot of the terrain graphics features.

People obviously have different preferences and opinions about the most important features of the game.

What would worry me is if the devs were to settle for merely 'functional' looking terrain and devote all their attention onto other technical aspects. There should obviously be a balance achieved between the quality of the different elements (graphics, fm, dm, gameplay, AI, etc, etc) with most effort being addressed to wherever the sim is currently weakest.

So I'm actually pleased that threads like this draw the devs attention to the terrain aspects as something that many of us would like to see improved.

Having said that, maybe it's now time to move on. I think they'll have got the message by now.

But it would be nice to hear from luthier what their take is on this issue - we know some terrain improvements are on the way, but what will be the extent of future improvements?
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Last edited by kendo65; 05-26-2011 at 10:35 AM.
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