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Old 11-01-2007, 04:28 AM
takedown47 takedown47 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 9

i managed to sneak into the base without changing clothes. I planted dynamite near the perimeter, set it on a 15 minute timer, meanwhile planting a mine field around the explosive. I then relocate steathily through the forest, across the road and wait for it too blow. Then the gaurds at the gate along with half the garrison go running to check it out. Depending on how evenly you placed the mines i can kill around 10-20. In the confusion i run into the base, get into one of the workshops close to the entrance and knock someone out quietly for a uniform (usually the officer who is standing over a driver fixing a wheel. If you are quiet his buddy wont even know his superior is dead/unconcious. Move in and knock him out also. Move the bodies, wait for dietrich to enter, give him a knock on your head with a luger, get the key (but u dont need it) and hide his body (u can come back for it later). With the officers uniform and provided you dont do anything stupid like shoot a guard in the face you'll have free run of the place. However the HQ there are still some hallway gaurds you'll know you're not a true aryan and will likely raise the alarm. A good way to take them out is with a knife either from a distance by throwing it or moving in quickly and slashing his throat. Cack the safe/unlock the safe, get the documents, get back to dietrich, put him in the back of the truck and drive back to moscow for some vodka.
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