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Old 10-28-2007, 06:23 PM
stalkervision stalkervision is offline
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Default Re: thanks Stalkervision

Originally Posted by 99th_Flyby
Good reply. I recall reading that the E7 could take a 79 gallon tank, ans assumed that it did so, in late November of '40. I also read that the E7 actually dropped bombs over England, and that doing so was considered a wasted effort.
I don't own BoB-WoV, but i've read that it's pretty good in a lot of ways, and so I wondered at the matchup. It should be interesting, especially with the AI issue you mentioned, and the number of planes in the air.
I hope the color of the terrain will be better than that of IL2. IMHO, I always thought the greens were way too bright and didn't look very natural. Actually I always thought the terrain colors in CFS1 looked pretty decent.
Anyway, thanks for the reply. Good stuff.

Yes, in fact the e7's did drop bombs over england. The fighter pilots hated carrying those crummy bombs though and usually dropped them anywhere on england as soon as possible and flew back home saying "mission accomplished!"

Hay they had no "bombsites" on their planes and were't bomber pilots so who could blame them..

In the mean time while your waiting (which may be a long while.. ) I suggest you pick up a copy of BOBWOV to practice on before hand for he upcomng series and battle.

If you get to be a really good fighter pilot in BOBWOV then BOBSOW will be a piece of cake..

And you will be already to plaster all those new Multiplayer pilots in BOBSOW because the Ai in BOBWOV is really quite excellent. If you can beat it then human players will be a snap...
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