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Old 04-23-2011, 04:08 AM
djhz2001 djhz2001 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 20

By the way,

I did get to modify the mission; that is, I was able to add new soldiers, tanks, etc. I have been able to modify their inventory, etc, give them different weapons. However, the changes that I was trying to make so that the soldiers I add can handle all weapons and have the best hiding skills are not saved once I leave the MOW editor.

The whole reason for me to want to do this is the following. I noticed that once in the mission editor of MOW editor, there are four main groups to choose from in order to add humans: civilian, single, mp, and special. The ones I am having trouble are the mp because none of those units are set up to behave like a soldier. If you are using them in direct mode, there is no problem as long as they remain hidden. But once they spot the enemy and the enemy spots them they won't shoot until they are shot even if they see the enemy, and they won't take cover on drop on the ground as normal soldiers do. I really want to use the "scout" soldier from the mp human option.

So the idea is to modify the behavior of all the units in the mp option so that they behave like soldiers, so that I can use them. I hope you can help me.
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