Originally Posted by Orpheus
Viper - saw your post and went off to test it. You're right about it changing the propellor pitch - I see the RPM drop from 2900 on takeoff to around 2400 at about 1200 feet and stay there, and after that the Spitfire accelerates/climbs like an absolute pig. I'm getting climb rates of around 110 mph, not 170, though that is low level after takeoff.
Set full power.
Clean up.
Then just stay in level flight until you're flying at 180-190 mph.
Now trim the aeroplane for constant IAS.
You should see a rate of climb just under 2000 fpm, which will improve as you get higher and the engine rpm increases.
If you're flying at 110 mph then you're doing it wrong; you've got loads of induced drag and performance will be terrible. Indeed, at full power if you pitch to 80 mph you'll find that it can't either climb or accelerate, because all the power is going into making turbulence.
The only time you should ever fly a Spitfire slower than about 170 mph IAS is for takeoff and landing.