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Old 04-16-2011, 01:49 AM
undpilot87 undpilot87 is offline
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Default Tried it...

Originally Posted by mavrickandgoose View Post
Have you adjusted the elevators and alirons on the planes you can make it to where the planes are pretty much impossible to stall the trick is getting a good bsllence between not stalling and still being maneuverable and secondly it's a game not real life I have got my setings to where I pretty much never stall unless shot up of corse
Are you playing the game on the realistic or simulator setting? I've tinkered with all of this stuff and I can make it so that the sensitivity is to the point where I can't stall the aircraft, but that also makes the plane very unresponsive. I just don't understand why a company would make this game like this. I would dump so much time into this game if it wasn't for that. I can't believe they don't have a patch to fix this. Anyway I would actually say that landing in real life is at times much harder. Someone's first time landing on a windy day with a good crosswind is usually pretty interesting.
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