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Old 10-13-2007, 10:48 AM
mbv mbv is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Wales, UK
Posts: 44

Many thanks for both replies. I had completely missed the fact that the target on the ground floor actually moves out of the office, he seemed pinned to his desk all the time I watched him.

Unfortunately one of the booby traps I had laid earlier on a door (which could not be defused) to cover my eventual exit, should I need to run for it, went off when I least expected it. This turned all enemy red in one wing and I ended up in a room to room shoot out with a vast number of troops coming up the stairs. Don't know how I survived that one and it was quite messy in the corridor afterwards. Turned out the booby trap had taken out the target on the ground floor . I managed to finish the guy off on the third floor silently - he was stood there on his own because everyone else had run over to look at the booby trap corridor

I am going to have to do that one again!

A piccy of the vast number of troops that came to meet me when the booby trap exploded
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