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Old 04-12-2011, 08:12 AM
ATAG_Bliss ATAG_Bliss is offline
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Originally Posted by Thee_oddball View Post
Remeber SYN that your server maybe able to handle it but not everyones PC will be able to handle the strain causing lag.

you might want to run lean and clean and slowly add objects to find a happy medium.

I agree with you, but I don't think that excess ground objects and AI are going to put much more strain on your system. At least with IL2 of old, only if you went really crazy and tried to group 1000 tanks together did it cause slow downs. I hope that the server will be handing all the calculations for any sort of AI (planes, tanks, ships) so the only additional detail would be more objects to load. But in the early stages of the game, it would be nice to see just how much you can put in before it effects clients.

We'll just have to wait and see I guess

Originally Posted by doghous3 View Post
Ok cool, and it's np; it's fun to do. Be nice to have some documentation though, but devs are notoriously bad for keeping any, so will have to trial an error a few things I suspect.

There is an immediate issue though. TIME - I'll look into it, but as time does what it does, and the server is 24/7, there will be several hours of pure darkness; like now. There are spot-light objects, which is fine for airfields, but dog-fights over the Channel.. lol.

But there's always a way!

Anyway, might be a good idea to time a server restart so that it's light for the peak time of the server; which I'm sure you can gleam from server statistics. I'll adjust mission start time to 4am (dawn, but light enough).
Awesome. Looking forward to it

Originally Posted by Ataros View Post
To set server to constant time try putting TIMECONSTANT 1 right after time in your mission file:

MAP Land$Online_Carrier_War
BattleArea 150000 100000 100000 150000 1000
WeatherIndex 0
CloudsHeight 1000
BreezeActivity 10
ThermalActivity 10

I am not sure it works just read it at forums.
Thanks for this. We'll try it!

Originally Posted by Hooves View Post
ok Im in the server but cant do anything but pick my plane and such. there is no Fly now or start or anything like that. what am I doing wrong. I even see 2 players in the server list.

Ok I found it but when I hit fly it crashed
Did you get it to work?


On another note: The dedi software seems pretty good as far as stability. I read some of the people hosting and playing from the same machine were reporting crashes. But so far, the dedicated software hasn't skipped a beat.

Also, it appears the dedi software can be ran without the use of steam. This is good news as I think it could be incorporated into Hyperlobby quite easily

But hosting from the GUI/in game still obviously needs steam.

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