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Old 04-11-2011, 06:21 PM
impy impy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 142

Well, i still intend to go ahead with vampire play through at some point. Beauty of all challenges lies in the fact that there is not only one way to achieve it. Shall you go with max criticals for vampires to leech as much as possible? Or max defense with steam armor, belt of the winner etc? Or max resistances? You would obviously like all of it but due to limited amount of slots you can't. As for getting sufficient amount of vampires i guess one would have to kite to Nameless, do not pick up anything in process , just to get vampires, come back to debir and start properly. I also do not think it would be boring. Since every enemy army consists of mixture of units, one needs to plan ahead the order of killings. For example - kill first non leechable units = undead, cyclops etc. or save really weak units for when vampires numbers drop and one can do massive leeching = bowmen, gobots etc. Or kill one non leechable then one leechable etc in order to keep numbers consistenly high..
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