Thread: 6dof petition
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Old 10-11-2007, 05:44 PM
Shadow Shadow is offline
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Default Re: 6dof petition

Originally Posted by andrea
We all know the problems that might be if the entire IL2's code will be hacked, but we know also that able people have made possible 6dof in IL2 and too many people uses trackir in our simulator.

Nowadays 2Dof is a real handicap for a simulator!

What I ask for now, is the insertion through patch of the 6dof function in IL2, this for ensure that none other functions of the simulator will be changed and at the same time to let the thousands of users to use completely the trackir device.

If we will be in so many people, perhaps 1c maddox will be able to satisfy us
So if u are interested ...Put your name!

Andrea Parchouli
Sure, Andrea

First, though, every model in the game needs to be rebuilt so that you actually see the plane parts when you lean out of the cockpit.

Could be done in...oh... two weeks?

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