Thread: Unwritten rules
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Old 04-08-2011, 07:33 PM
scottyvt4 scottyvt4 is offline
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Originally Posted by timej31 View Post
I paid money at the store for this game. And it came with all these planes so people will fly what they want. They earned it.
True ...... very true, so basically what you're saying you really dont mind being cheated of kills????

360 n Ps3At the end of the day "you earned it". You're on some ones ass for a good few mins a good tussle only for them to get low drop bombs lower undercarridge for them to crash. How annoying is that dude/duddete, thats my question to you.

But there are some epic points raised.

360 n Ps3. Also courtesy, if you clatter (crash, run into) someone a quick message containing sorry or apologies goes along way we have all gotten a lil to upclose and personal and have clipped wings .............. head ons are head ons if you aint going to back down or move neither im i........... and i dont expect the other guy to do the same!

The above echos crashing while trying to bail either message or wait till the next lobby. Ive kicked myself from games trying to get the bail button

Ps3 - Bombs in CTA's yawns o'clock very boring as is bombers in CTA's and dogfights. I know its only a game but seriously

Could be the same on 360 and Ps3. The host could be trying to organise something historical so please tune in............... im aware there are various nationalities but look at the board in the lobby usually the best hint. so a small collection of H111's bf110 and 3/4 bf109's V's 3spits 2 hurri's and a I153. host aint going to start then changing to a B17 or Fw190 La5 ........... ect ect he still aint going to start lollol
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