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Old 03-22-2011, 02:09 AM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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Originally Posted by Screwball View Post
Apologies for getting caught up in this, but I - like just about everyone - am getting fed up:

CloDo was claimed to have a 'next gen' engine; Heliocon rightly pointed out that this wasn't so - as it didn't take advantage of the absolute latest technologies. That's all. No calling the engine rude things; no claiming there was anything better; no discounting the very valid reasons the dev team had for not including, for example, DX11 from the off.

Heliocon provided links to his (I presume, my apologies if not) sources for specific numbers used when the discussion moved on to the possible influence changing market share of various cards (and so the 'right-' or 'wrong'ness of that decision by the devs to go with stable rather than cutting-edge). When faced with EVIDENCE that supported a different interpretation, he was able to move on and adopt that new information - laudable, and more than could be said for some.

It seems to me very much that others are getting all het up over indirectly related issues, leading to everyone getting a little hot under the collar and insults and claims of rants now abound.


Take a step back, don't read too much into what anyone says, but pay attention to what it is that they do say. Fair enough to call CloDo 'not state of the art' - it isn't, with the best will in the world. Now, it would be unfair to call it anything other than the newest and the best...but nobody has Heliocon, Tree and co. often take quite a lot of flak from those who misinterpret and misrepresent what it is they say. Not that they always handle the situation perfectly, but who does?

Having, at great length, established that on release Cliffs of Dover will be the best PLATFORM (agreed by all) on which to base a long-running WWII aviation simulation, with updates including full utilisation of DX11 etc (also agreed) just as soon as is practical, and that people are imperfect (who knew?!)...can we please now move on?

love love,


PS EDIT: See above for perfect example.

Kikuchiyo, I'm afraid that's not tessellation (nice though it would be!), it's just a very effective texture. If you look to the edges of the sandbags you can see pretty clearly that they are absolutely vertical. If tessellated you'd be able to see the 3D outline of the sandbags, where at the moment there is only a flat 2D line denoting the edge.
Heliocon, having just defended you somewhat, please play nicely - does no harm to try to correct people so they can appreciated where they were mistaken in a way which leads them to learn more...I fear insults and patronising isn't the way to do this...
I don't think he's getting attacked for the content of his posts (unless we're talking about the "team maddox can do no wrong" crowd, which i also disagree about some balance? )
It's the way he words them that's insulting to many people and detracts from the point he's trying to make.
I might be the most well-informed, correct person on the planet in any given field, a true authority. If i go about trying to convince people by calling them names, it's easy to see that i don't really stand any chances.

Some people can't grasp his points, i'm not talking about the ones that won't but about the ones that miss it in all the clutter (and he does make some valid ones), but part of the responsibility is his, it's like he's on a constant rage-posting spree. If he prefaces his argument starting with "you idiots", nobody will pay attention past that. And that's entirely his fault because that's how he usually rolls.

Short version: good points, lousy presentation that ends up having the exact opposite effect to the one desired.

Last edited by Blackdog_kt; 03-22-2011 at 02:12 AM.
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