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Old 03-12-2011, 07:24 AM
The Kraken The Kraken is offline
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Originally Posted by Tanner View Post
Meanwhile after years and years of development and missed launch dates, the playerbase for this game and games of this type have continued to shrink for the simple reason that the developers failed to update existing features and implement new features expected by the modern gamers.
So it's Maddox Games who are behind players moving away from flight sims and PCs in general towards simpler games and consoles? Interesting theory Still not sure what you're referring to with "new features expected by the modern gamers" - headshots? Bullettime? Achievements? DLC? Facebook spin-off games that earn you in-game items?

The games industry has passed this game by and lapped it many times over and Maddox Games is just now arriving at the start line after the race is already lost with a hobbled runner.
Like some other people here you seem to expect that this sim, unlike every single one before, has to excel in all possible areas, especially graphically, without any tradeoffs or compromises. I wonder where this is coming from, and why suddenly it is no longer acceptable that sims can't have the same visual fidelity as high-profile mainstream games. Seriously, what's changed since the days of EAW, WoV, Falcon or Il2? I don't get it...
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