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Old 03-11-2011, 01:58 PM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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Developer = maddox games
Publisher = Ubi in the west, 1C in the east

The 60:40 or 70:30 deal is between steam and publisher, not the developer.

Maddox games is not self-publishing, they are using two publishing companies, so they are not the ones getting that 70%.


Oleg and his team will probably not get 70% of your money if you buy it on Steam because Oleg =/= 1c.

It's the company that has the publishing rights on Steam that will and who knows, it could just as well be Ubi as it could be 1C. The Maddox games team (the actual developers) will get whatever cut of that 70% their contract with the publisher specifies.

If you do the math you'll see that in such a case it's actually better not to publish in multiple platforms in a layered manner, but in separate versions. Let's assume that Ubi and 1c are getting a 30% as well. With such a deal we'll have:

30% to Steam
30% to Ubi or 1c (whichever has the rights to publish on steam)
40% to Oleg's team

That's more than half the price of the game not going to Oleg's pockets.

If they did a completely separate version for Steam and a completely non-steam version through regular retail and digital download, it would be better. For the steam version you'd have a 70:30 in favor of Oleg's team and for the non steam versions you'd have a 50:50 or 60:30 or 70:30 between Oleg and Ubi/1c, depending on the region and agreementes. Since publishing only on retail tends to give a bigger cut to the publisher, i just went with an arbitrary number, it might be 60:40 in favor of publisher, who knows.

What i'm trying to say here is that just because 1c gets more money by selling on Steam (if it's 1c that's selling there and not Ubi), it probably doesn't mean that money is going to Oleg's pockets, so supporting the developer team is not a solid reason to buy from Steam until we know more details about their deal (if we ever will). In fact, the combined cut of Steam and Ubi/1c could be upwards of 50% of the game's price.

Depending on the financial agreements between Oleg and Ubi/1c, it might actually be better for the developers if you ordered straight from a single publisher.

For example, if Ubi and/or 1c get 50% for every order in their online shop, but they also get 30% for every Steam copy (on top of Steam's 30%), it's actually better to order directly from them depending on your region:

splitting it 50/50 is better than having
game price - (30% for steam + 30% for publisher) = 40% for Oleg's team

Until we know more about the way everyone involved gets his cut, saying that buying from Steam makes Oleg more money is just the same as saying that buying from Ubi does: both are pure guesswork.
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