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Old 03-07-2011, 08:08 PM
334th_Gazoo 334th_Gazoo is offline
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Originally Posted by Zappatime View Post
Top post Dano, couldn't have put it better myself, my exact thoughts entirely
Speaking for us in Western Canada. I can say that I've only seen the title; 'IL2 1946', on the shelves a half dozen times, since it has come out. This was during it's initial rollout. It is a shame, because I know there are a lot of people in my country who fly Aviation Simulations. Our city size Edmonton, is 1 Milion+, It's Cold -20 -30 in the winter, so there's few things better on a cold day or evening than grabbing a toddy, hiberrnating, and going flying with ones squad mates

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that, The distribution has to be geared to demographics. People with time on their hands.. Fly! I'm one of them. I hope our long Cold playing season will be attractive to your sales desires.

{Includes obligatory pitch for the Collectors edition}

The secondary point I would like to make to Mr. Maddox and his advisors is that, to my knowledge, outside of a couple of UK imported av sim magazines doing reviews, there has not been any advertising of IL2 or 1C in the Canadian western retail stores, or magazines. EA games and Walmart were the only two places I waas able to find the DVD, through the whole period in the distribution of the previous IL2 series..., and I had to Dig!" It was never on the shelf.. but it was never in the Bargain bin either! As Usual... If they don't know about it , How can it sell? Why bother ordering...~

I believe there should be a greater investment in advertising . I wish you great success.


~S~ 334th_Gazoo

Last edited by 334th_Gazoo; 03-07-2011 at 08:15 PM. Reason: Brevity
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