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Old 03-07-2011, 03:09 PM
Vyper Vyper is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 29

Interesting to note that while it includes that steam line in the UK's ubi post, that line is completely missing in the ubi forums US page which has the same info almost word for word.

Steam is a virus...a control tool and will never make its way back on to any computer system I own.

I didn't buy SH5 because of the forced steam issue.
I didn't buy N:TW because of the steam issue ( and because ETW was such a disappointment and forced me to be on steam to multiplay)
Playing ARMA2 CO is a perfect example of why I won't deal with steam. I can run the game without a hitch, and make choices for myself. Squad members who bought it via steam are forced to take patches the DAY the are released on steam, regardless of settings, keeping them off the server...just as one example. I won't go into the nightmare that is encountered if they want to run mods like ACE2 for example.

While steam might be some kind of neat little thing for games like halo, I have no desire to have my gaming and chat controlled and recorded to be sold by 3rd party companies like valve. They can keep their software...I don't want it again, thank you.
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