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Old 03-01-2011, 03:20 PM
olife olife is offline
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Originally Posted by McQ59 View Post
I suggest you make a thread on this Olife. And maybe call it "The Nightwhitches" or something like that. Use the form I set up in the "Husky-mission".
In addition I have an idea where we might use a B-17 as "artillery" for this mission. Thing is I have two PS3's and two BoP-discs; What if I activated two slots and took a B-17 and hide it on a remote spot at the Stalingrad-map or the Korsun(?)- and the PO's went on a "search&destroy"? The Axis will secure the airspace over the artillery. The "Nightwitches" win if they succeed in bombing the B-17. I don't know if this will work, but is it worth a try?

What do you think Olife?

It will demand a bit of recognosance, and I think both sides have to develop some kind of tactics and a strategic plan, both to spot the "artillery" and to get out alive. The fighters task is to identify and shoot down the PO's.

hello bro!!

i love your idea about the b17 artillery"!!cool!!
i m in!!!!
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