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Old 02-27-2011, 12:54 AM
Approved Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 808
Default Interview with Edal86 before the final

Interview with Edal86, Finalist of the Ace of Aces Mustang Trophy Tournament, on the occasion of the upcoming Final between him and MIRGERVIN:

MACADEMIC: Hi Edal, and congratulations to reaching the finals.

Edal86: Thank you.

MACADEMIC: How do you feel?

Edal86: Excited, nervous, and ready for anything.

MACADEMIC: Edal, tell us a bit about how you first started flying and what inspired you.

Edal86: 2002, Mexico City, my brother in law allowed me to play his Windows Flight Simulator PC game.

MACADEMIC: Were you interested in aviation even before that?

Edal86: Not really in aviation. The first time I experienced flying believe it or not was in a dream lol it felt so peaceful up there and I felt so in control of everything I was only 12 years old.

MACADEMIC: Cloud no 9?

Edal86: Cloud no 9?

MACADEMIC: Well it's a colloquialism.

Edal86: Oh ok. Lol.

MACADEMIC: The world is perfect and you're on cloud no 9…

Edal86: But yes the inspiration in aviation came from travels in commercial airplanes and from movies. Even though my first aviation movie was independence day with Will Smith lol.

MACADEMIC: In other words, you were hooked? How did it go from there?

Edal86: Yes I was. That is why when I learned that sim games on PC like that existed I did a little research. I have always been fascinated with the WW2 theater also and that is how I converted from Windows Flight Simulator to IL2 1946, and in 2009 Birds of Prey.

MACADEMIC: In all this time, what did you do to improve, become the pilot you are today?

Edal86: Lol well a little google here and there, strength and weaknesses of planes, study my opponents.

MACADEMIC: What do you think is it that makes one pilot a better fighter pilot than another? Is it a special talent, spatial orientation skills, instinct, hard work? What is it?

Edal86: Have control over your nerves always, be alert, never precipitate your moves, or become repetitive. I say it is instinct, most things I do are instinct, but it also comes due to experience.

MACADEMIC: Do you think in a few years time combat simulator flying could evolve into a sport, with leagues, audiences, prize money and so on?

Edal86: Well, I hope combat simulators keep increasing in popularity and I do think this bright future of simulators is possible.

MACADEMIC: It would be fascinating…but seriously, I think special talent is required. How much of a role does luck play?

Edal86: Personally, I think 10% is luck and this luck comes from the opponent making foolish mistakes.

MACADEMIC: Edal, as co organizer of this tournament you were in the priviledged position of having the two main prizes, the Estrellita and Slender Tender&Tall with you for some time. You will soon have to part with one - which one will it be?

Edal86: Lol, well, both trophies are beautifully done. I would not mind keeping any of them, however Slender Tender&Tall is my main objective because it is a 1/48 scale and because it would be an honor to have the Ace of Aces title.

MACADEMIC: Speaking of the Ace of Aces title, the last tournament also saw you and Mirgervin in the finals. At that time he carried the title away. What could give you the edge this time?

Edal86: Last time, all planes were allowed. This time it is on P-51s which means more room for error. This is where I find my advantage.

MACADEMIC: Well, we're all excited with you Edal. Thank you for the interview and good luck for tomorrow!

Edal86: No hay problema camerada.

Last edited by MACADEMIC; 02-27-2011 at 01:36 AM.
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