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Old 02-12-2011, 09:17 PM
Troll2k Troll2k is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 722

The Il2 dedicated server software ran in a dos box.No audio,video or did not take a lot of horsepower to make a good server.What was needed was a good,stable upload speed of about 4KB per client.

I feel that a lot of problems people had with joining servers with more than 64 people was not the fault of the server but f the client machine.Not necessarily the internet.You have to remember that the client machine has to not only keep track of all 64 players (and objects,triggers etc) but render them as well(at least the planes in view and the textures below).So the client machine had to be pretty stout to run with a lot of planes.

But at the moment this is all speculation until we get the new(and hopefully improved) dedicated server software.

As a side not a couple of sites have changed the preorder date to 3/3/11 (or 3/3/11 for the Europeans).So the server software may be even closer to release.
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